Advantages and Disadvantages Roof Top Scheme by Government

  • The “Roof Top Scheme” typically refers to government initiatives or programs
  • It is aimed at promoting the installation of solar panels on rooftops of residential, commercial, and industrial buildings.
  • Here are the advantages and disadvantages of such schemes:
Government Solar Roof Top Yojana
Government Solar Roof Top Yojana

Renewable Energy Generation:

  • The primary advantage is the generation of renewable energy from solar power,
  • which reduces reliance on non-renewable energy sources like fossil fuels.

Environmental Benefits:

    • Solar energy is clean and doesn’t produce greenhouse gas emissions or air pollutants,
    • contributing to a healthier environment and combating climate change.

Energy Independence:

    • By generating electricity on-site, individuals and businesses become less dependent on external energy sources, providing greater energy security.

Cost Savings:

  • Over time, solar panels can lead to significant cost savings on electricity bills, especially as technology improves and installation costs decrease.

Incentives and Subsidies:

  • Many governments offer incentives, tax credits, or subsidies to encourage rooftop solar installations, making them more financially viable for consumers.
  • You can refer Roof Top Calculator
  • It will provide a household with a monthly supply of up to 300 units of free power 
  • estimated annual savings of Rs 15,000-Rs 18,000, depending on the size of the rooftop capacity and consumption.
Advantages of Government Schemes of Free Roof top Solar Power
Advantages of Government Schemes of Free Rooftop Solar Power
  • subsidy for Group Housing Society/ Resident Welfare Association
    (GHS/RWA) Rs. 18,000 per kW for common facilities, including EV charging, up to 500 kW capacity (@3 kW per house)
  • With the upper limit is inclusive of individual rooftop plants installed by individual residents in the GHS/RWA

Job Creation:

  • The solar industry creates jobs in manufacturing, installation, maintenance, and related services, contributing to economic growth.

Reduced Transmission Losses:

  • Electricity generated on-site reduces the need for long-distance transmission, which can lead to lower transmission losses in the grid

Disadvantages of Roof Top Scheme by Government

High Initial Costs:

  • The upfront cost of purchasing and installing solar panels can be a barrier for many consumers, despite incentives and subsidies.
  • High battery and storage cost, inverter cost
Best Battery inverter for home
Best Battery inverter for home

Intermittent Energy Production:

Space Requirements

  1.  Rooftop solar systems require sufficient space and proper orientation to maximize energy production, which may not be feasible for all buildings.

Maintenance and Lifespan:

  • Solar panels require regular maintenance and have a limited lifespan (usually 25-30 years), necessitating replacements and upkeep costs over time.

Technological Limitations:

  1. Current solar technology has limitations in terms of efficiency and energy storage, although ongoing research aims to address these issues.

Grid Integration Challenges:

  1. Integrating rooftop solar power into the existing electrical grid can pose challenges related to grid stability, voltage fluctuations, and management.

Aesthetics and Regulations:

  •  Some homeowners associations or local regulations may have restrictions or aesthetic concerns regarding the installation of solar panels on rooftops.


  • Overall, rooftop solar schemes offer numerous benefits in terms of clean energy, cost savings, and environmental sustainability
  • But they also face challenges related to costs, technology, and integration into existing infrastructure.
  • Ongoing advancements and supportive policies are essential for maximizing the advantages and overcoming the disadvantages of such programs.

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